Kamis, 29 Januari 2015

Dying Light Mini Review and Screenshots for PC

Opinion after 5 hours of playing:
I can sure say this was worth the wait and it isn't overrated. To sum this game up, take Dead Island, add parkour & make improvements on the game.

So positives:

+Beautiful Graphics
+Parkour works perfectly
+Combat is fun
+Variety of enemies
+Zombie kills are satisfying
+Story is interesting
+Nighttime is intense
+Crafting on the spot
+Nice skill trees
+Place is enjoyable to explore

Obviously the positives easily outweigh the negatives but anywho.

-Some stuttering & FPS issues
-Won't run in fullscreen
-Can only fix a weapon 3 times? (Comment if there is anyway to fix it over 3 times)
Verdict: 84/100
Testing System:
GTX 760 2gb
Video settings 1
Video settings 2
GTX 760 2GB 
i7 4790k 4.4ghz
16gb 1800mhz ram  

min 24 - max 62fps

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