Rabu, 30 Desember 2015

Pale Echoes - PC Reviews and more

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 Rating: 74/100

Rating: 74/100                                                                

Pale Echoes was a surprise hit for me. I went in skeptical and came back pleasantly surprised. The game is pretty short, but every bit of it seems purposeful. At no point did I feel like I was wasting my time. The combat is fun and fresh, with a learning curve that felt appropriate.

I’d really recommend it to anyone looking for a fun and fresh RPG, with some fun world building, especially if they’re a completionist.

Rating: 80/100                                                                                
A very satisfying gaming experience - especially from an RPGMaker game! Pale Echoes really differentiates itself with it's unique battle system, player choices and lore (I love the ingame Lexicon). You can tell the developer really enjoyed creating this world.

Critic Reviews

The Escapist Escapist Review 70/100

Gameplay Images:

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