Rabu, 06 Januari 2016

Pony Island - Reviews and more

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 Rating: 76/100

Rating: 76/100                                                             
Pony Island took me by surprise. It's cleverly designed, lots of fun, and DEFINITELY worth the price.

It left me wanting more, not because the game lacks anything, but because I honestly just want more of the goodness that's already there. You can expect a few hours of gameplay depending on how much time you spend doing puzzles.

Pony Island is a suspense puzzle game in disguise. You are in limbo, trapped in a malevolent and malfunctioning arcade machine devised by the devil himself. It is not a game about ponies.

Title: Pony Island
Genre: Indie
Developer: Daniel Mullins Games
Publisher: Daniel Mullins Games
Release Date: 4 Jan, 2016

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